11.05.2024 Concert



18 & 21h
at Innsbruck International Office

In conjunction with INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL 2024, Oliver Hangl hosts his «Walking Concert» series, which since 2013 has literally sent Austrian musicians and audiences onto the streets. With each Walking Concert, new avenues open up through public and perhaps even private spaces in the city, revealing reality as an «uncontrollable setting for mobile concert stages».


Austrofred is a phenomenon: he has made films, television, written six highly successful books, given around 700 readings and concerts, hosted political events and fashion shows, designed towels and also pioneered the comeback of the Austrian language in pop music and the Wiener Schnitzel in gastronomy. And he has always excelled. The champion, as his fans affectionately call him, is too ‘big to fail’. But despite everything that the bustling jack-of-all-trades does so successfully, he reaches his absolute peak performance at his concerts. Something happens that cannot be described in words: Austrofred becomes more than the sum of his body parts. The mixture of Queen music and Austropop lyrics, which has become a trademark, seems crude and funny at first glance, cheeky and charming at second, and simply more grandiose at third. Anyone who sings the lyrics of ‘Märchenprinz’ to ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and ‘Schifoan’ to ‘We Will Rock You’ is either a genius or a genius. Add to that a Freddie Mercury outfit at Madame Tussaud’s level, a choice of Wembley moves and a well-groomed moustache. Austrofred in Concert – Magic pur!




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