One. Two. Nine., 2024
9 slide projectors, 387 slides, 33 minutes

commissioned by INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL 2024

25.05.2024 Performance

Philipp Fleischmann


at Glashaus, Hofgarten

By inviting the artist Philipp Fleischmann – as well as the performer Doris Uhlich for her solo presentations – INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL would like to illuminate an artistic approach within the framework of HEAVEN CAN WAIT that revolves around strategies for challenging architectural, institutional, political and social mechanisms and thereby offering new perspectives. Fleischmann’s strategy, a key theme of HEAVEN CAN WAIT, can be experienced at first hand in a performance: for his performative premiere of a ‘queer abstraction’, he reassembles slides of pure light colour using slide projection – he arranges, cuts and overlays them in order to then project them. After his performance with slide projectors, his works will be contextualised in a film screening and matinée at the Leokino Innsbruck at the end of the Biennale, thus forming the transition not only to the cinema space, but also to the International Film Festival Innsbruck (IFFI) taking place there.

In certain ways, Philipp Fleischmann’s work is not ´cinema`, at least not as typically conceived. But then, in  other respects his films are one of the most cinematic works thinkable, given that they explore the precise nature of light and space as inscribed on a celluloid filmstrip. This is work with an abiding interest in architecture and spatial organization, but not primarily as an aesthetic event. (Michael Sicinski)


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