Wings, objects, drawings, books
Legacy Erica Pedretti

03 >> 26.05.2024 Exhibition

Erica Pedretti

at Galerie A4

«When I grow up, I’m going to be a painter. You can’t become something like that, you can only be it. Anna has lived with these pictures from the day she was born. And with plants. With people and flowers and pictures. And the pictures have made her richer. They doubled everything.»
Erica Pedretti, Engste Heimat, Suhrkamp, 1995, page 14


Following a comprehensive presentation of works by the poet and artist Etel Adnan as part of HUMAN CAPITAL in 2020, INNSBRUCK INTERNATIONAL is once again dedicating a retrospective to a writer and artist as part of it’s edition: Erica Pedretti.
The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize winner and her artistic work will be the focus of attention and will receive its first comprehensive exhibition and appreciation in Austria. Hanging wired sculptures, oversized wings made of fabric and latex or sculptures in clay and iron, as well as delicate drawings: Erica Pedretti’s »Objets à suspendre«, the wings stripped from their bodies or the sculptures deprived of their inner life and standing as mere skeletons, reveal an unstable balance and fragility. From the early 1970s onwards, Erica Pedretti (1930-2022) created an extensive artistic oeuvre that stands independently alongside her literary work. Although she regularly presented her artwork in group and solo exhibitions, Pedretti is known to a wide audience primarily as a writer – not least because of her books published by major publishing houses and the many prestigious literary prizes she has won. (New Museum Biel)


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