Doppelflügel, 1981
Plastic, iron wire, cotton fabric, paraloid (acrylic resin), 125 x 190 x 85 cm
Ohne Titel (schwarzer Flügel), 1979
Bamboo, fabric, latex paint, wire, graphite, 200 x 150 x 10 cm
Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Biel/Bienne &
Legacy Erica Pedretti

03 >> 26.05.2024 Exhibition

Erica Pedretti

at Chapel of St. Georg, Old Country House

Erica Pedretti’s artwork, especially her Flügelwesen (winged creatures), have an «associative» effect, as if they were filling a gap or trying to make it speak – just as she has freed herself from her biographical strangeness and created a highly individual literary form of speech. Most of these objects, made of wire and paper, branches, and plaster, are light and floating and yet, for all their delicacy, they are surprisingly tough and stable. «They seem like animal relics that cast a spell over you precisely because they are neither fish nor bird.» (Peter Burri, Tagesanzeiger, 10.3.2020)


They are neither one nor the other – the flying objects, figures and webs are processual and yet, precisely because of this ethereal fragmentation, they could not be more contemporary. For even if their winged creatures and double wings are only suitable for flying in thought, it is precisely their strong will to survive that elevates life to life.


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